MSK Ultrasound

A musculoskeletalultrasound is used to assess muscles, ligaments and tendons in various parts ofthe body.

What is a MSK ultrasound?

A musculoskeletal ultrasound is used to assess muscles, ligaments and tendons in various parts of the body. It can be used to examine the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, groin, knee, ankle and foot.

Your doctor might refer you for a MSK ultrasound for lumps, pain or to investigate injuries.

How do I prepare for a MSK ultrasound?

There is no preparation required.

What happens during a MSK ultrasound?

Depending on the body part that is being scanned, you may be asked to change into a gown. Gel will be applied to the skin and a transducer will gently be placed on the skin to assess the soft tissue of the body part. During the examination you may be asked to move into different positions to be able to fully assess the tendons, ligaments, muscles or joints.

MSK ultrasounds take 10- 30 minutes.